Programming in C

Boost your academic & started your career as Software and/or Hardware Programmer

C is the most fundamental language among all. Develop your first software with C programming language

  • Introduction to C - Data Types, Variables, Constants, Expressions, Operators, Keywords, Identifiers, Programming Block, Header Files, Storage Class, Scope, Type Casting etc.
  • Macros, Macro Functions, Typedef etc.
  • Flow of Control - If-Else, Switch-Case, For loop, While loop, Do-While loop, Break, Continue, Goto
  • Working with References, Pointers, Array, String etc.
  • Understanding Functions - Calling functions with argument, Returning from function, Call and Return by Value/Reference/Pointer, Function Prototype etc.
  • Unions, Structures and File Handling
  • Projects using C Programming Language
